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Free trade agreements

Free trade agreements can remove trade barriers and increase the flow of goods and services between countries. We assess various agreements – whether multilateral, plurilateral or bilateral – to understand how FTAs can impact the global economy and individual countries.

External resources

Our FTA experts & contributors

Get access to proven experience and fresh thinking in cross-border trade, policy and business. Drawn from a wide range of disciplines and sectors, our experts offer valuable views and opinions on achieving sustainable global trade.

Stephen Olson

Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation

Areas of expertise

Sustainable trade
Trade negotiations
Free trade agreements
Tariffs & non-tariff barriers

Andrea Durkin

Editor-in-Chief, TradeVistas, and Founder of Sparkplug, LLC

Areas of expertise

US-China relations
Tariffs and trade barriers

Cheryl Tan

Associate Director – Marketing and Communications, Hinrich Foundation

Stewart Paterson 1

Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation

Areas of expertise

Monetary policy
Political economy

Michael Akman

Chief Operating Officer, Hinrich Foundation

Alex Boome

Chief Executive Officer

Merle A Hinrich

Chairman, Hinrich Foundation

Kathryn Dioth

Chief Executive Officer, Hinrich Foundation

Alice Calder

Contributor Writer, TradeVista