4 minutes read
TradeVistas is an online publication of the Hinrich Foundation that offers a clear view on trade. It provides facts, context, stories and resources such as infographics, videos and briefing notes to help understand trade.
Trade touches just about every aspect of our daily lives. But as familiar as trade is, most people say they “don’t know enough” about trade practices and policies to decide whether they are helpful or harmful to their lives, jobs and to the growth of their economies. And few issues are as heated – or as fraught with conflicting information – as the current debate over trade.
TradeVistas offers readers a clear, non-partisan view on trade. It does not advocate for or against any particular trade policy. It aims to be your trusted resource for fact-based context on trade issues so that you can make your own, informed conclusions.
Read more on the TradeVistas website.
What will you find on TradeVistas
You will find simple, entertaining stories that bring trade home and demystify the workings of global trade.
- Trending topics include commentary on issues from US-China relations to the new United States-Mexico-Canada free trade agreement (the “new” NAFTA) to Brexit.
- The Essentials section includes short takes on the fundamentals of global trade rules, trade agreements, and negotiations.
- The Timelines and Interactives page has useful summaries and insights on trending issues.
- The Data Stories section is carefully curated to provide you the best, easiest-to-use resources to find the trade data you’re looking for.
- Everyday Trade is a collection of stories offering a glimpse into the paths of the ordinary everyday things we use and how they came into our lives through trade.
- TradeVistas breaks down the need-to-know aspects of more complicated areas of trade policies in “Unfair” Trade, from the laws behind the tariff wars, to unfair industrial subsidies, illicit trade and sanctions, and the ways countries and companies resolve trade disputes. Our expert writers are briefed to explain it plainly.
© The Hinrich Foundation. See our website Terms and Conditions for our copyright and reprint policy. All statements of fact and the views, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author(s).