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Asia Society Policy Institute Logo

Asia Society Policy Institute

Since its founding in 1956, the Asia Society has sought to explain the diversity of Asia to the United States and the complexity of the United States to Asia.

For more than 60 years, the Asia Society has built bridges and helped to solve problems within the region and between Asia and the wider world. With a solution-oriented mandate, the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) expands this mission by tackling major policy challenges confronting the Asia-Pacific in security, prosperity, and sustainability, and by helping to develop common norms and values for the region.

ASPI is a think-and-do tank designed to bring about changes that incorporate the best ideas from top experts in Asia and to work with policy makers to integrate these ideas and put them into practice. To advance inclusive and effective policy-making for Asia and the world, ASPI:

  • Engages in policy initiatives where the challenge is carefully defined, a timeline clearly established, and possible solutions are prepared for policymakers and civic and corporate leaders;
  • Practices public diplomacy by convening significant thought leaders from across Asia, the United States, Europe, Africa, and Latin America to focus on the specific regional and global impacts of a rising Asia;
  • Leverages its platform to disseminate to regional and global audiences policy-relevant information about the various countries of Asia and the U.S.