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Expert~Stewart Paterson Headshot

Stewart Paterson 1

Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation

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Monetary policy
Political economy

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Stewart Paterson spent 25 years in capital markets as an equity researcher, strategist and fund manager. He has worked in London, Mumbai, Hong Kong and Singapore in senior roles with Credit Suisse, Credit Suisse First Boston, CLSA and more recently, as a Partner and Portfolio Manager of Tiburon Partners LLP.

Having started his career with Hill Samuel in London in 1991, he has covered the full spectrum of global markets equity strategy, developed market equities and emerging market equities, and has seen firsthand the economic impact of China’s integration into the global financial system. In 2007, he co-founded Riley Paterson Investment Management in Singapore, where he ran a macro-driven hedge fund that exploited the anomalies in capital markets being created by globalization and the existing monetary order.

Stewart has a deep interest in assisting readers to understand the impact of macroeconomics on trade, geopolitics and prosperity. Using his 30 years of professional experience in global capital markets from a front row seat during the Asia economic miracle, the emergence of China, the Asian Financial Crisis, the Tech Bubble, and the Global Financial Crisis, he aims to provide practical insights into the historical and potential impacts of past and current macroeconomic events and policies.

He holds an M.A. (Hons.) degree in Economics from the University of Aberdeen.