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Hinrich Foundation Alumni Naratevy Kek HKBU

Naratevy Kek




Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
Master of Business Administration, Class of 2010
“Success, for me, is maximizing one’s potential in a meaningful way.”

Naratevy (Tevy) Kek’s heart beats for Cambodia, her birth country, and she finds extreme satisfaction in utilizing her education to help empowerment of marginalized or vulnerable communities toward positive societal change.

A loyalist to the core

Under the Hinrich Global Trade Leader Program, Tevy earned a Master of Arts degree in International Journalism Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU).

Upon her graduation in 2012, she worked as an Export Manager for the Hinrich Foundation, helping local handicraft suppliers to increase their export sales through online marketing support, trade shows, bazaars and enhanced communication with buyers. She has been in media and communication for 10 years, working with a number of international organizations such as United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), ActionAid and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) on environmental protection and climate change adaptation.

Tevy is extremely clear about her commitment to contributing to her country of birth, Cambodia. She is currently working as Communications Coordinator for Oxfam in Cambodia.

Creativity with compassion

Tevy strongly feels for the vulnerable people in her country. As an Export Manager for the Hinrich Foundation’s Export Trade Assistance Program in Cambodia, her job was to help small and medium scale suppliers in the handicraft sector to increase their export sales.

Tevy’s experience as a Hinrich Global Trade Leader includes working as Export Manager for the Foundation’s Export Trade Assistance Program, which included interviewing employees of the program’s supplier beneficiaries

The objective was to increase employment opportunity for the underprivileged producers, most of whom were deaf, mute, victims of polio and landmine accidents, widows, or young children who were unskilled and needed to establish livelihood.

At the helm of communications

Now, as Communications Coordinator for Oxfam in Cambodia, she is at the helm of the organization’s communications plan and messaging. She supports the team on gathering materials for stories and producing high-quality and coherent leaflets, press release materials and other communications and activities targeting specific audiences. Her role also involves handling media inquiry and preparing her teammates to fit the role of a media spokesperson. In addition, she manages the organization’s website and does content planning for Oxfam on social media.

Tevy accompanies a reporter from CNC TV in interviewing the head of Oxfam Saving for Change group in Pursat province in Cambodia on the impact of the project on his livelihood

Tevy regards the achievement of a campaign called “JuiKnia, Cambodia – Migration Stories of Hope” to be one of her most cherished winning moments while working for Oxfam. The campaign’s objective was to mobilize Cambodia’s diverse community to join hands and send a message to world leaders to open hearts and doors to refugees through signing online petitions/letters of support and personal storytelling both online and offline. The goal of the campaign was to obtain 10,000 signatures in four weeks.

A classroom without walls 

“I feel extreme gratitude for many people who helped me along the way. For my parents who always encouraged me to continue my education, especially higher education. And to the Hinrich Foundation for providing me the opportunity to learn and get involved in trade and help people in need back in my country.”

Tevy feels that the Hinrich Foundation helped her build a network that still works for her. Besides being a great opportunity for learning, what really impacted her were the field experiences. “The real-life experience on how to market, how to manage supply chains [and] how to talk to buyers will remain etched forever in my memory.”

Read Tevy's full profile here.