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Experts & contributors

Our team of global trade experts and contributors apply their deep knowledge and experience in global trade, economics and policymaking to providing fresh insights, timely analysis and commentary on a wide range of global trade issues.

Contact us for quick takes or deep insights into the latest trade developments.

Stephen Olson

Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation

Areas of expertise

Sustainable trade
Trade negotiations
Free trade agreements
Tariffs & non-tariff barriers

Stewart Paterson 1

Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation

Areas of expertise

Monetary policy
Political economy

Alex Capri

Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation and Senior Fellow, NUS Business School

Areas of expertise

Technology and trade
Global value chains
Tariffs and non-tariff barriers

Michael Enright

Honorary Professor, University of Hong Kong

Areas of expertise

Foreign direct investment
Impacts of trade
US-China trade
Greater Bay Area

Andrea Durkin

Editor-in-Chief, TradeVistas, and Founder of Sparkplug, LLC

Areas of expertise

US-China relations
Tariffs and trade barriers

Kenneth Jarrett

Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group

Areas of expertise

International relations
US-China relations
Chinese politics

Dr. Song Gao

Co-CEO and Head of Research, PRC Macro

Areas of expertise

Chinese politics
China’s economic policy
US-China relations

Joshua P. Meltzer

Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Areas of expertise

Digital trade
Technology and trade
US-China trade

Dr. Weihuan Zhou

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, UNSW Sydney, Australia

Areas of expertise

Trade disputes and remedies
Free trade agreements
China's economic reform

Alicia Garcia Herrero

Chief Economist for Asia Pacific, NATIXIS

Areas of expertise

Economic impacts of trade
Macroeconomic policy
Asian economics

Lauren Kyger

Digital Content Manager, National Committee on U.S.-China Relations

Areas of expertise

US-China trade
Foreign direct investment
Digital trade

Douglas K. Barry

Senior Director, Communications and Publications, US-China Business Council

Areas of expertise

US-China relations
Foreign direct investment
Trade policy

Jean-Pierre Cabestan

Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University

Areas of expertise

Chinese politics
Chinese law and institutions
Chinese foreign and security policy
Cross-strait relations

Andrew B. Schroth, Esq.

Partner, GDLSK

Areas of expertise

Trade law
Anti-dumping and countervailing duty actions

Ben Simpfendorfer

Founder & CEO, Silk Road Associates

Areas of expertise

US-China trade
Technology and trade
Digital trade

Dr. Tim Summers

Senior Fellow, Chatham House

Areas of expertise

Chinese politics and political economy
China's international relations
EU-China relations
Hong Kong